
What are some fun facts about bats?

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Instead of arms or hands, they have wings. The wings have a bone structure similar to the human hand. Between the bones are flaps of skin. Bats are very light weight to make it easier for them to fly.

How many species of bats are there in the world?

More than 1,300 species of bats live all over the world. These night-flying mammals usually only birth one pup per year, and some bats live up to 35 years. But they have unique dietary needs: some eat insects, some bats prefer fruit or pollen, and some even eat fish!

What are the different types of bats?

There are two main types of bats: microbats and megabats. Most bats are microbats, which eat insects like moths, that come out at night. Vampire bats are the only species of microbats that feed on blood rather than insects. But not to worry—they prefer to drink from cattle and horses, not humans.

What are the benefits of bats?

But bats are beneficial to people. Most bats feed on insect pests and some bats even help in pollination. Scientists study bats to further expand our understanding of flight, sound, sonar, and evolutionary biology. Even bat guano is an important resource and fertilizer.


